At 3:59 PM 6/20/00, Rick Brown wrote:
>> In a message dated 6/20/2000 10:58:57 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
>> writes:
>> << I'd say yes except for the fact that we know some people will take
>> advantage
>> of the "nod to indicate you're ready" phase to slow things down and screw
>> their opponents timing. I know there was one competitor in the Bonus
>> challenge that attempted to psych out his opponent by staging and
>> many times (happily it was not effective and that guy lost :-) The shot
>> clock keeps the playing field level. >>
>> That's why we have the Dwight Mitchell Clock, er, I mean Shot Clock...
funny, I remember the time in Atlanta when a certain stock classed Honda
driver took 20 or 30 tries to "stage" correctly (each run), we all started
counting out loud. I believe this lead to the shot clock.
Jim Rohn