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Laser timing head problems

Subject: Laser timing head problems
From: Lloyd Loring <>
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 09:18:59 -0500

We had the same problem at the first BFG event at Peru with the new 
laser heads. I asked John Carriere and he advised that the 
manufacturer has noted the problem and provides an optical filter for 
the receiver unit in the head. It's a $35 fix and John says it works 
very well. Details from <>.

Lloyd Loring

  -------------Previous message-----------------

Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2000 15:44:24 -0500
From: Jeff Cashmore <>
Subject: Laser timing head problems

Has anyone else been having intermittent problems with their newer laser
timing heads?  Sorry, I don't know the mfg of ours.  They seem to start
missing starts/finishes when the sun comes out full force.  We're going
to try some (heavy) boxes over both ends to shade them for the next
event but I was wondering if anyone else had a better solution, (a

Jeff Cashmore


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