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Re: Ayers Roll Hold the Mayo *Foster - You are a sad, sad man*

Subject: Re: Ayers Roll Hold the Mayo *Foster - You are a sad, sad man*
From: "Arthur Emerson" <>
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2000 17:22:31 PDT
Jason Saini <> wrote:
>I don't know why I am even dignifying your response with a
>rebuttal, but I just can't stand to listen to your pompous
>attitude any longer.

If everybody would just kill file him in your e-mail program,
he'd go crawl back under the rock that came out from under
when he isn't getting any more attention.

>My god man... get a grip.

[Jergens lotion, Playboy magazine, and typing with one hand
  sentence deleted in case there's kids reading this.]

>First of all, stop trying to make comments about events that
>you did not attend.

But then what would he write about???  Last year, he bashed
the whole NEDIV for all of our crappy drivers.  It took major
research to even find somebody that even remembered seeing him
at one local event, and that person didn't have anything nice
to say about him.

Only days after bashing the northeast, he went on to bash
his new hometown, Orlando, for not having any autocrosses.
I haven't seen his name in any of the results from the club
that runs in his very own hometown, which probably means that
he doesn't even know that they exist.  [Or are their
events too dangerous as well???]   I think that it's hilarious
that I have two first place trophies from Mr. Foster's
hometown, which are proof that I've probably run two more
events there than he has, despite living 1205 miles away.
Great club, BTW, with safe/fun events.

>And for that matter, if you are so good, why don't you come
>out to these events and help out instead of waiting for an
>incident to happen so you can jump on everyone involved.

Because he'd then have to spend $60 to renew his SCCA
membership, and then another $10 to replace his 1987
rulebook with the 2000 version.  Talk is cheap, about
$70 cheaper in this case.

>I'd like to see one of your courses...  it would be so
>freaking boring that everyone would leave the event.  You would
>probably put up speed limit signs and write people tickets for
>exceeding them in the fast areas, because they are going 'too
>fast to react in a safe manner.'

ROTFLMAO!!!  I've gotta get the road signs made up for the
second annual "Paul Foster Challenge" autocross!  Is it
a 5-second stop at stop signs?  How about the traffic
light at the entrance to the slalom?  Can we get press
coverage from GRM/NAP???   BTW, didn't I see somebody selling
last year's collectible first annual PFC "donkey" dash plaque
on E-bay for like $25???  :-)

>I don't think autocross is in any danger of coming to a quick
>end... However I hope your uninformed, derogative and
>condescending posts do come to a quick end.  But that's asking
>for way too much, I know.  Have a nice day!

My god, Shock Boy and I agree on something.....

-Arthur ("Another crappy Northeast driver on-board" edition.)


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