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Re: Short People

To: "Arthur Emerson" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Short People
From: "Paul Foster" <>
Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2000 18:34:43 -0400
>You're giving short people an advantage in being able to see
>under the mirror on YOUR car.  However, you keep forgetting
>that cars have been made with mirrors attached to the
>dashboard sticking upwards.

Not for a hell of a long time! :-)

>One other point that you might
>have overlooked :-) is that those same vertically-constrained
>drivers might be at a disadvantage seeing over the dashboard,
>with only loose pillows as their only course of action
>to see the cones.

I would be an advocate of raising the seat height as a C&C item in
lieu of loose pillows. Burn me as a witch. :^)

Paul Foster

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