----- Original Message -----
From: Kelly, Katie <kkelly@spss.com>
To: 'Rick Cone' <conekiller@prodigy.net>; Lisa E. <clash_girl@yahoo.com>;
'Pat Kelly' <lollipop@ricochet.net>
Cc: David K Yeung <dkyeung@juno.com>; <autox@autox.team.net>
Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2000 1:29 PM
Subject: RE: Prenatal skill development, was Weird Question - Heart Stress
and Autocross
> Okay, so that's like my lecture from this 30 year old Old Fart.
Funny you consider yourself as an Old Fart. I don't think of myself as one,
and I'll be 33 next September.
Scot - the anti-Old Fart! (no, I mean the antithesis of an old fart, I'm not
against Old Fartz)