funny you mentiuoned the tire rack fumbling your shipping..
A friend just ordered a set of autocrossers and got 3 street TD's and 0ne
autocrosser, OK I understand if they mixed up 1 the other way or even sent
him ALL street TD's but one autocrosser and 3 STD????
I have heard this from others also...
I wonder where Tire rack needs to tighten up? someone verifying the
shipments as they go on the truck might be nice..
Jeff Lloyd
(happy with my 2 tirerack orders so far I can just get hoosiers cheaper
elsewhere if I plan ahead and don't need them overnight)
----- Original Message -----
From: Paul Cezanne <>
> (Note: I had one minor problem with the TireRack order, I ordered W
> rated and they shipped Z rated, which I complained about via the
> website but they have not responded yet. But still, given my past
> ordering experience with TireRack (dating back at least 10 years) I
> am not at all dissatisfied.)
> --