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Re: C:\CoolProgs\Pretty Park.exe

Subject: Re: C:\CoolProgs\Pretty Park.exe
From: Mark J Bradakis <>
Date: Wed, 31 May 2000 00:33:26 -0600
Wow, three messages in one night.  Must be something in the air.

In general, mail from any list will not propagate a virus.
There are a number of safeguards in place.  Well, I think they are in place,
with the sudden server move and changes in the version of all related programs
I may still have some configuration nits to pick.  We shall see.  But the only
email you should see getting sent out from the server will be
plain text, no hidden surprises.  Actually, within a few days you may be
seeing a linger, more detailed treatment of what will and will not get sent
out from here.


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