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To: "Steven Volpp" <>
Subject: Thanks!
From: Dick Rasmussen <>
Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 08:02:58 -0400

Just a quick note of thanks for the Peavey support of Solo 2 and Pro Solo.

I enjoyed the web cast of the Meridian Tour (and as a result read the
history of your company . . . very impressive example of what good ideas,
hard work, talent, and customer focus can accomplish).

I just attended my first SCCA event of the year . . . the Petersburg Pro Solo.

The sound system is great. I worked as the Starter for one work shift and
could hear the announcer clearly over the noise of all the cars (except the
Lombardo Honda of course . . . but that may have been because I put my
fingers in my ears after pushing the button to start the tree down!). The
system covered the courses and grid area very well also.

I don't know what other support Peavey is providing to help fund the Solo
program, but I notice upgrades that I'm sure are the result of the combined
support of Peavey and Tire Rack.

As it turns out, I won the Challenge and my wife is REALLY looking forward
to the Peavey Stage Pack that her effort (she cleaned my race tires and
staged the car for 22 runs!!!) allowed me to win.

Thanks again!!!

Dick Rasmussen
CM 85
85 Van Diemen RF-85 Formula Ford

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  • Thanks!, Dick Rasmussen <=