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What the Sponsors could do is.......

Subject: What the Sponsors could do is.......
From: Stephen Bernard <>
Date: Sat, 27 May 2000 12:34:28 -0400
> Everyone seems to think that only the people posting are watching.  
> Peavey,
> Tire Rack, and several other POTENTIAL sponsors monitor this board.  
> You

Well since they are monitoring the posts I've bought tires from
Tire Rack before how about discount prices for those who
buy tires to auto-x on then?

<tounge in cheek here>
Sure the pros get free tires/money from Hoosier and Kuhmo
maybe BFG (not sure on BFG) but how about the novices?
I'm sure we'd like some perks too. 
How about Hoosier or Kuhmo gives a 50% discount on the tires,
provides large magnetics for the side of the car with the number
for the year on it and their advertising, make this available for
those in the novice program.
I know I wouldn't qualify because next year I'm no longer a novice
but still I wonder how many novices would switch to Hoosier
or Kuhmo if they got a huge discount.
Reality, we'll buy the tires anyway won't we. :)
Although I wouldn't mind a free set.........

Steve Bernard
Red '99 Miata (B-Stock)


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