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The Master Plan is working ®

To: "Charlie Davis" <>, "Byron Short" <>,
Subject: The Master Plan is working ®
From: "Matt Murray" <>
Date: Fri, 26 May 2000 00:24:34 -0400
Private post:

Dear Huck & CHuck:

Well, another chance to congratulate those wizards at Huck & CHuck's Sales,
Service, and R&D departments. Since we in A Stock started to use the H&C
patented "How to Twist the Competition Tool ®," ESP hasn't been the same.
For that small fee that each of  us in A Stock paid to you genius' at H&C,
no more Tunnell, AND the bonus of messing with another class. The
"Bob-Be-Gone ®" additive worked like a charm. So how much you guys gonna
charge them suckers ^H^H^H^H^H^H drivers in ESP for their version (1.1?)
"Bob and Patty-Be-Gone ®?"

A Stock DOES expect a cut ya know.

Love and Kisses

Another Satisfied Customer

Matt Murray

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