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Re: Movin' On. . . I mean BACK

To: "" <>
Subject: Re: Movin' On. . . I mean BACK
From: "53 CSP" <>
Date: Wed, 24 May 2000 21:27:39 -0700
We're gonna miss ya JD... it was fun having you in the Las Vegas
Region...announcing and all. Now we get to listen to Dave Roberts and
whoever else announces for our region (none of which was up to your
caliber). There's a bright side I less damn british car to worry
about beating me. Take care and have fun in the humidity and the crowds of
angry Cubans.
-53 CSP
"Straights are for fast cars. Turns are for fast drivers."

> Dear Team Net-
> I'll be off-line and outta touch for a few days...  because...  I'M MOVING
> And when I get there, and sign back on to Team.Net, we're gonna have to
> about that DTN thing that's coming up soon.  Y'all be thinking about the
> nominees you want to propose for the DTN this year, and be saving a few
bucks to
> contribute to the kitty to finance the trip!
> Peace, Love, & Pushrods-
> JD Kemp &
> "Lucretia MacEvil" #74 MGB

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