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Re: thoughts on Peru

To: Karen Kraus <>,
Subject: Re: thoughts on Peru
From: Sam Strano <>
Date: Wed, 24 May 2000 13:00:57 -0400
At 11:10 PM 5/23/00 -0700, Karen Kraus wrote:

>     For one, I think it's been mentioned plenty of times that ~220
>competitors walked the course Friday evening and Saturday morning, and
>no one thought twice about the safety of the course.

Well, I had a bad feeling about it.  On my very first walk through I said
more than something about it.  Jennifer Wilson, Mike Potocki and a few
other folks were around.  You are absolutely right, I *didn't* say anything
about it, but you can be damn sure I will next time.......  It's my fault
too.  I trusted the other drivers, and myself.  I have now learned that I
can't 100% trust anyone (with a few exceptions) beyond myself.....

On the other hand, I have to wonder what, if anything would have been done.
 Seeing how 200+ others walked it and I guess saw nothing wrong.

It was stick to me from the start.  Very fast in, not tight enough to
*stop* like the slalom was, not open enough to zip in and out of.  In all
honesty if there had only been one pylon in the middle instead of the
multiple cones, it would have been a lot better.  The extra cones forced
bigger entrance and exit angles, and that starts spins.  

All that said, I am not upset Danny, or Karl, or anyone else.  It did, and
continues to bother me alot that I came so close to being hit in someone
else's car.  And it REALLY bothers me (this is just personal) that I would
have been tagged broad side in the right rear of the car.  I bet my neck
would have hurt a little from that one.  It's not fun to see the other guy
coming and not be able to do ANYTHING about it.  I was already floored to
get out the corner, but it was so slow the car had zero boost.  It was pure
luck that I got outta the way.  



Sam Strano Jr.
Strano Performance Parts
800-729-1831 orders/price info.
814-849-3417 technical info.

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