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Pro Solo Different From Solo II Regarding Safety???

To: "" <>
Subject: Pro Solo Different From Solo II Regarding Safety???
From: "Paul Foster" <>
Date: Tue, 23 May 2000 09:49:12 -0400
<<<This isn't solo2, it isn't amateur solo; it isn't "make my attorney
weenie wifey feel warm and fuzzy because, even though I have this
urge to point out that we're both attorneys, we can't possibly afford
repair some body damage" solo; this is PRO SOLO (maybe you should
hiring an attorney and divorcing her if she can't accept who you are,
or who
you want to be?).  As most on this digest know, I am very ardent
safety in a solo2 event because of the nature of the audience it
but PRO SOLO is an apple, so don't try to compare it with an orange.
If you
or anyone else thinks that two cars can line up side by side and race
other WOT down a straight and never under any possible circumstance
come into
contact with each other before ever even turning a corner then that's
ignorance at it's finest hour.  Just go down to the local dragstrip
and sooner or later you'll see what I mean.  I have seen bone stock
smash into each other coming off the start line.>>>

Does our insuror consider Pro Solos to be any different than Solo II?
If not, I would suggest that you do not have a leg to run from that
out of control car on. (Ain't mixed metaphors powerful?)

Paul Foster

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