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Peru GS Story

Subject: Peru GS Story
From: Jason Saini <>
Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 12:42:11 -0700 (PDT)
There was some great talent out in GS at Peru...  McIver took it with
some blazingly fast runs.  Daniel Ledford improved to 2nd on Sunday
morning, and David Fauth had the fastest FWD car (Type-R).  Bauer was
right behind him with Stratton rounding out the top 5.  

McIver *beat* ES, DS, and *CS* and would have placed 3rd in BS.  He
would have been 5th in FS, and was only soundly beaten by AS and SS. 
GS is *flying* these days!!

I came in 10th, never having a clean run on the left course.  I would
have been 6th with my best raw time on the left, and the top 5 were all
trophy winners at Nationals last year, so I am happy with my results. 
I red-lighted my last run on the left course, when I desperately needed
the improvement. Oh well!

This also proves something I have felt for a long time, and that is the
VW Corrado is a good GS car.  I was .8/side off McIver in my Corrado
without my left course trouble.  If I hadn't coned it would have been:

1.Eclipse, 2.Eclipse, 3.Type-R, 4.Type-R, 5.Eclipse, 6.Corrado!

I'm very excited and looking forward to the rest of the year.  I only
plan to get faster!

-Jason Saini  .  Chicago, IL
-'93 Corrado  .  GS Underdog

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