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Re: Peru Results are up

Subject: Re: Peru Results are up
From: Randy Chase <>
Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 09:25:06 -0700
Some interesting stuff in the results. Second Pro in a row that Patty
Tunnel's car is on the podium next to a red MR2. 8-) 

Lots more Mod cars, including your Open Challenge winner. What happened
to Engstrom on Sunday? F125 was bumped in AM? Did Scott hall break his

At this event, some classes really really look like a spec class,
specially BS, CS, and DS.

STS and SM also looked like very well subscribed. 

The two Neons that hit, I assume are the two showing no times on Sunday?

And in F125 Jr, Mathew Clements. This may be the largest margin I have
seen. 8-)  Mari, how old is Mathew?

Tammy Scalzo in Ladies class one, carrying a cone on her first run,
redlights the same side every time, getting her first clean run on the
last one!

Paula Whitney in Ladies class two, was flying, but appears to have had
some trouble with a cone. That must have been frustrating. 

Congrats to all that attended. I hope we get some reports from people
that were actually there. 8-) 

Randy Chase

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