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To: "Mark Sirota" <>
Subject: Re: F125 - PLEASE DONT GO AWAY! I'M IN!
From: "David Hironaka" <>
Date: Sun, 14 May 2000 03:57:20 -0700
David Hironaka wrote:
>>   many people in sprint racing go too narrow in order to tune the
>> kart to the surface, and end up on two wheels...
>And so what makes you so sure people won't make the same mistake in
>Solo II?

  geeez Mark, diddnt you read what i said before that ?  
  it was a it was an idea to propose a minimum 
track width...  we already have a max width, 50 for Jrs, 
55 inches for F125. 
  if you want it spelled out, i'll just pick random numbers... 
46 inches min rear track for Jrs, 51 inches min for F125. 
   if we had a rule that said that, that would make me sure 
that people won't make that mistake in Solo 2.   it would 
still allow for tuning by track width, but not to unsafe 
   anyway, this discussion is kinda over for me.  i know im 
not going to convince anybody that is anti kart, and i know 
that there is a bit of support for us F125 guys.  i got quite 
a bit of encouraging e mail in my private box. 
  what confused me the most, is where someone got the idea 
that anyone said that karts are safer than cars in an impact... 
i went through all my e mail, and just cant find it...  
  ok, listen everyone... cars _are_ safer than karts when you 
hit something...   feel better guys ? 
  never mind the fact that that the kart can avoid it better, you 
just dont want to hear that. 
  just keep in mind, that i auto-x for the love of the sport, and 
i have fun every time i go, wether it be a local event, Pro, or 
Tour, i have fun regardless of what i choose to drive.  
  for me, my personal viewpoint toward auto-x, which may not 
match yours, is that auto-x is a place to develop and test my 
driving skills, on tracks that are always different, and almost 
always challenging. you just dont get that anywhere else as 
far as im concerned.  i can do it in my CRX, Miata, F125, or 
even our 73 340 4 speed Duster that we have for drag racing. 
( yes, we did bring it out for a local auto-x... and no, it does 
not turn... :-) but i choose the F125... for me, it is the most 
fun.  ( read above about fun ) and it also takes the same driving 
skills as any of my cars do, only quicker reactions.  
  but the best part of auto-x, is that most of the people are just 
plain good people... most off my friends are auto-xers, and 
thats just great with me.  i am generally a pretty friendly guy, 
and probably over reacted to this thread... i guess that just 
happens when someone wants to eliminate something i like 
to do. 
  anyway, wether you like what i choose to drive or not, thats 
ok with me, thats your opinion....   but you can say "Hi" in the 
pits next time we are at an event, and i will say hi back, 
regardless of what you choose to drive. 
  see ya at Topeka, 

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