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Re: Terminator Kart

To: "Jay Mitchell" <>
Subject: Re: Terminator Kart
From: "Paul Foster" <>
Date: Sat, 13 May 2000 17:23:31 -0400
>******Sarcasm Alert - read at your own risk****
>Paul Foster, Closet Libertarian, wrote:

Hey, I'm no _closet_ libertarian! I came out many, many years ago.

>> I think the occasional broken arm is part of the risk of driving a kart.
>> is up to each individual to determine if the risk is acceptable.
>In the spirit of the above profundity, I'd like to offer the following
>suggestions to make Solo II attractive to a wider audience:


Very clever. However, I am a firm advocate of using proper safety gear. It
just so happens that the proper safety gear for a kart does not include seat

Paul Foster

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