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Re: F125 & Live and let flame.

To: "Jay Mitchell" <>,
Subject: Re: F125 & Live and let flame.
From: "David Hironaka" <>
Date: Sat, 13 May 2000 04:56:18 -0700
>Potentially. Kart tracks have runoff areas intended to give a
>kart room to slow. Parking lots may have room, but it can be
>poorly suited to bringing a kart under control.

  have you driven a shifter kart ?  if you have driven one to it's full
potential, you would also know that they stop in less than half the
distance of any stock or SP car, even while spinning out of control.
  if you are running a auto-x track that a shifter kart can hit a
curb, light pole, ect, then your region obviously has lots of
experience filling out incident reports for all the cars crashing.
if a kart can hit something, then a car will hit the same thing going  twice
as fast.
  i also race sprint racing....  auto-x and sprint are two different
things...   sprint can be, and is very dangerous.  it's a risk i take in
order to do it, and i can live with that.  ( ex motocrosser here )

>The point is that Solo II in a (non-Champ) kart is NOT safe as
>Solo II in vehicles that protect and restrain the driver.

  nobody said that a shifter kart is safer than a car, you seemed
to just assume that someone did.   all i'll add to that, is that
shifter karts in auto-x are much safer than you make it out to be.
  you , and Phil, are assuming that Champ karts are safer...
have you ever seen what happens when somthing that small
goes end over end ?  the injuries are different due to the violent
tumbling , and often are more extensive than if the driver would
have seperated from the kart.  even with neck collars, neck is
the most common injury.
  on the many sprint kart rollovers i've seen, the driver seperates
from the kart, rolls and slides to a stop, just like a motorcycle
road racer...  hence the reason we wear abrasion suits.  yes,
some suits available are rather lame...  but most suits do
work as advetised.
  all the incidents i've seen, were caused by catching wheels of
other karts.  and every driver walked away.  now,  in no way am
i saying that you can not sustain serious injury, that would be
absurd.   people have been injured seriously, and i wont deny
  but in auto-x, with no other karts beside us, the risk is greatly
reduced.  no wheels to catch, nobody to shove us off the track.
as far as rolling from hitting a cone, we sprint race on surfaces
that are twice as sticky as any auto-x, and on some tracks, the
fast line is to run over the berm on the inside of the corner, just
like F1...   no, we dont roll there, and a cone or three is nothing
compared to hitting that berm.

So far,
>it has been decided to accept that increased risk. I disagree
>with the decision, and, if it ever gets reconsidered, I'll do my
>best to help get it reversed.

   well, whatever...  but do some real unbiased research first,
dont just go on your personal feelings.
  we will just have to agree to disagree, and leave it at that.
  see ya,

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