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well I guess it's about time

To: <>, <>, <>
Subject: well I guess it's about time
From: "Jeffrey Lloyd" <>
Date: Sat, 1 Jan 2000 00:32:44 -0500
that I let out the secret,

Y2K was the biggest hoax of the century, most everyone fell for it lock
stock and barrel,
it was dreamed up quite a few years ago by the leaders of the computer
companies to create a boost in the economy... think it worked? I wonder what
is gonna happen to us computer types now that we cannot put the fear of god
into our customers...

(knew about it for a while)

Ps. I had my first AX run of the year tonight, had my pratice cones set up
by 12:15, and did the first run @ 12:20, (only a 3 cone slalom, turn around,
and back, but it counts.. can anyone beat that or was that the first
autocross run of the new year?

happy new year everyone

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