Maybe the first autocross (or baby or bungee jump or whatever) of THE
Millennium -- the thousandth year -- but the first of the NEW Millennium,
the next thousand, is a year off yet despite what all the ignoramuses on the
teevee say.
It's like the media has just decided to be intentionally but emphatically
wrong about this -- a classic example of "my mind is made up, don't confuse
the issue with facts." -- screaming end-of-the-century/millennium when
everyone who officially deals with such matters (U.S. Naval Observatory,
National Institute of Standards, Royal Greenwich Observatory, etc.) agrees
that a new century begins with the year numbered xx01. As a member of the
media, I am embarrassed for my profession but refuse to go along with the
collective stupidity.
Besides, reaching the milestone thousandth year is reason enough for a great
party, or a super solo. Then we can have another in ought-1 to start the
next millennium.
--Rocky Entriken
-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>
Date: Friday, December 31, 1999 7:30 AM
Subject: First Autocross?
>I've been watching some of the 'round-the-world-as-it-happens Y2K
>coverage on TV this morning. There's already been the first baby of the
>millennium, the first marriage, the first bungee jump, the first 5K run,
>etc... I was commenting facetiously on these events, so my wife pointed
>that if there was a "First Autocross of the Millennium" at midnight
>somewhere, I'd probably be there. Just curious if anybody is doing
>like this...
>Mike S.