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Re: Geez / Palm Pilot

To: David Shreve <>,
Subject: Re: Geez / Palm Pilot
From: Craig Blome <>
Date: Fri, 24 Dec 1999 10:56:05 -0800 (PST)
I'm not a Geez owner but do have a PalmPilot, so take
with the usual grain of salt:

Geez should work with any PalmPilot Professional or
newer--details at
<>.  The Palm
IIIe is the least expensive still in production
(street price ~$175).  I'd make friends with a
technophile who buys the latest and greatest and pick
up their old one when they upgrade!  :)

Now, Motorola has just intro'd a new CPU chip in the
"DragonBall" family that powers the Palm series, and
it supports color LCD displays.  I don't have any
insider info (and wouldn't tell _you_ lot if I did! ;)
but it's reasonable to speculate that color Palms
aren't far down the road, which might allow Byron to
do some new tricks with the software.  FWIW.

Happy holidays,
Craig B.

--- David Shreve <> wrote:
> I am about to purchase a palm pilot or palm top in
> an effort to make myself 
> more organize.  I also have the intent of using it
> for Geez data collection. 
>   With that in mind, what models should I be
> considering?

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