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Re: AM turnout

To: "Brad Cox" <>
Subject: Re: AM turnout
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 1999 11:28:25 -0800

Keeping in mind that a truly unlimited class may have just the opposite
result as you are looking for.  When there are no rules, money becomes a
bigger factor.  Cars get more advanced and more costly.  First it will be
sucker mechanisms, then active handling, then...the cost of a top AM car
would go through the roof, IMHO.  Not that $100+K isn't through the roof

Tough argument on either side.  I think AM needs to stay.


"Brad Cox" <> on 12/22/99 02:08:50 PM

Please respond to "Brad Cox" <>

cc:    (bcc: Andrew Bettencourt/FIELD SALES/Kingston)

Subject:  Re: AM turnout

> No, just some other class.  Doesn't matter what as long as boat loads of
> people populate it.

I guess my confusion arose as a result of the A-mod class structure.  As
someone mentioned, maybe it would help the class if it were truly
If the rules change such that FSAE cars can run, that might be a great
thing.  After all, it is in the spirit of an unlimited class.

>(as long as we have rules that allow us to kill off dying classes I
> really could care less anymore how many new classes we add to >the all
long of a list we have now)

Definitely agreed there...


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