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Re: Fine Print

Subject: Re: Fine Print
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 1999 00:23:51 EST
<<  I would hope that the SEB make an exception in AM's case.  It takes a 
 special kind of driver to make an AM car, a special kind of driver to 
 drive one.  These people are rare and deserve to have a place in SCCA 
 Solo II.  >>

What's the point in having a rule if we're going to allow exceptions?  If you 
make an exception for AM, how are you going to justify not making the same 
exception for another class?  Since the current level of commitment to build 
and tune a dominating AM vehicle currently exceeds $100k for a sport that 
offers no financial payback whatsoever, only payout, then I guess that would 
qualify as rare.

M Sipe
  - IndyCar designers ain't cheap

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