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Re: Car-O-Scopes

To: "Kelly, Katie" <>
Subject: Re: Car-O-Scopes
From: Gerald Chen <>
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1999 20:25:35 -0800 (PST)
> They also said I'm a bit too young to be driving this vehicle, and I care
> too much about Lucy. They said if I dumped my Mazda Miata and got myself a
> Honda Passport, I'd be a lot happier.
> Number one on my suggested car list was a BMW 2002.
> In the Flakiness department, boy was I shocked to discover I scored a 9.8
> out of a possible 10. What the heck does this MEAN! The next closest, coming
> in at 8, is your average driver of a BMW 328i, another car they suggested.

I guess I'm pretty close to you personality wise Katie - I drive a Neon
and they said I take way too much care of it, am too young for it, am too
adventurous, and don't earn as much as typical Neon owner (!).

Cars they recommended - Honda Passport, BMW 2002, 328i, 528, and AMC Jeep.

The SUV's are out of the question, the Bimmers good, except I prefer the M
models  :)


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