At 05:38 PM 12/7/99 -0700, LaPlante wrote:
>Several people have suggested spreading our the field by running two,one
>day events. Speaking as a wagonmaster(co-director,Oregon Region) I usally
>have the club trailer attached to my Suburban. I can drive eight
>hours,compete with another region and get home before I can if I work one
>of our in-town events. We set up for a normal two day event on Friday
>night and I usually un-hook the trailer after 8 PM Sunday. So now who do
>you propose to run this second day of events when you spread things out?
>We have a great bunch of volunteers but certainly not enough to double
>our work load.
>Ed LaPlante,Oregon Region
I didn't say it would work in every case. I just threw the concept out as an
alternative to turning away eager entries due to large numbers of people
showing up. Sometimes you just have to change the way you do things.
As a VOLUNTEER you always have the option of saying "I can't do this".