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Re: Require SCCA membership?

To: <>
Subject: Re: Require SCCA membership?
From: "Walter Fooshee" <>
Date: Mon, 06 Dec 1999 14:41:10 -0600
Solo II is designated by SCCA at the regional level to be open to novices, as 
an entry-level version of the sport. I don't think a region would be _allowed_ 
to require membership.

Walter Fooshee
Dixie Region Probe GT

>>> <> 12/06/99 12:41PM >>>
Oregon Region is investigating requiring SCCA membership for the majority of 
Solo II events (like 70-80% of the events).  How many other SCCA regions are 
doing this?  And, if your region is doing so, what was the impetus?

George Emery

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