Gulfcoast Autocrossers Ltd. highly recommends the following system for timing
and scoring:
JACircuits timer <A HREF="">JACircuits Home Page
AutoX T/S software by Rob Gregg <A HREF="">Auto
Our old TAG Heuer through beam lights work best. (still trying to find a good
Ask your club members for any old computer systems they may have that they
would be willing to donate to the club. We asked our club members and ended
up with three complete systems including printers. Any computer from 386 up
is powerful enough to run the software. We recommend a dot matrix printer
for economy. As I said above we are still looking for a good set of lights.
At this time we don't have a particular set to recommend, but it does seem
that through being systems work better than reflector systems. Although you
have the additional batteries to worry about they are able to span greater
distances which keeps your lights out of harms way. Our old set of Tag Heuer
through beam lights have good distance capabilities and give NO problem's. I
am still trying to find out if we can get newer versions of the same lights.
We recommend the software mainly for scoring and keeping yearly points
automatically. I do recommend that if you do go with software you have at
least one knowledgeable computer literate person available to setup and
train. Once a club is trained the system its fantastic! The only problems
we seem to be happen at this time is with the lights (which seems to be a
problem for most Clubs). Also we keep a manual log at every event for backup
and confirming times.
Feel free to ask anymore questions.
John Taylor
assistant timing and scoring
webmaster at <A HREF="">GCAC Website</A>