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2000 Pax Numbers? Don't Worry, Have Faith

To: "TEAM.NET" <>
Subject: 2000 Pax Numbers? Don't Worry, Have Faith
From: Scott Meyers <>
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 18:05:50 -0700
I have also been wondering what the new numbers will look like, and also
have noted that there is a strong shift in the Street Prepared classes -
not to worry, for those of you who like to use them for scoring

First - I am not associated with the group or individual that creates
them. This is all IMHO.

Super Stock through H Stock, there will be no problem adjusting the
numbers based upon history as influenced by cars being shuffled - this
happens each and every year.

Street Prepared - ASP, BSP, and even CSP the same cars will remain king,
unless there is the new version of the TVR that someone discovers.

DSP - the Fiat is still there, and will need to be "de-throned" so the
numbers should be very predictable.

ESP - same 'ol stuff (pony cars). No worries.

FSP - The MGB's the Sprites, 318i's, Datsun 510's, Pintos, slower cars
than the others. I figure that the authors will be able to extrapolate
numbers from the variance established historically and come up with a
workable beginning number. It will be as accurate as anything else, and
probably pretty darn close.

Prepared and Modified, any changes are able to be adjusted as always for
through data crunching.

Note that when a *new* car is moved into an existing class it can take
up to a year for the numbers to settle, and even for the cars to move. G
Stock locally has had a very favorable Pax number given local conditions
and courses (IMO). The same is not true other places. The numbers ALWAYS
vary site by site, course by course.

Is PAX accurate for every course every day?  No way. Over a series of
events and a period of time things even out and we are able to use them
for our scoring purposes. Anomalies are adjusted each year as conditions
change. Few things change overnight.

So.....don't worry - I'm sure the numbers will be there again for us to
use. I do hope they are out by FEBRUARY 6, since Arizona has our first
local event then.  (Hint, hint....)

Please not (unabashed plug) that we will also have a DIVISIONAL here in
Phoenix February 19 and 20. All of you bundled up and shoveling the
white stuff, c'mon down for a good time.

Hope this helps alleviate some concerns and questions.

Scott Meyers
"Paxman" (my local nickname.....wonder why?)   :-)

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