>>>> BTW, I _hate_ DRLs. If you can't see something the size of a car in
>>>> broad daylight you should not be driving!
>>> What about a white car in a snow storm?
>>> PLW
>> Can you say..."headlights"?
> Thank you, that's exactly the point my freind. Despite what you and I
> know to be the right thing to do, the headlights in that white car do
> *not* get turned on by their dopey driver in most cases. That is
> reality. So because we, as the average driving public, have shown
> ourselves to be too stupid to put those lights on, someone has done it
> for us. Makes perfect sense to me.
What about a snow bank in a snowstorm? Or how about a dull gray concrete
wall or guardrail in a rainstorm or heavy fog? There are plenty of other
hazards which don't have headlights to turn on. If you wouldn't see the
white car in the snowstorm in time to stop, you wouldn't be able to stop for
the snow bank either.
The point is that you shouldn't be depending on someone else's lights to be
able to avoid an accident, because that won't be any help in the event the
obstacle is not a car.
Jim Crate
91 240 SX SE Super HICAS
86 BMW 535i