At 10:11 AM 12/2/99 -0500, Wilson, Lindsay (L.S.) wrote:
>An interesting variant of the flashing CHMSL
>(center high mounted stop light) was experimented
>with on taxi cabs in San Francisco. The '3rd'
>light would increase flash frequency and intensity
>with brake force. That is, the harder the cabby
>braked the faster the light flashed and the brighter
>the light shone.
>This feature would be useful in my opinion.
>Also, anyone ever consider a front brake light?
>Would sure make it easier to tell if that oncoming
>driver is going to run the red light or not.
If you are already in the intersection in front of the oncoming
car, the only thing a front brake light would do is tell you that
you are about to be hit!! If you are NOT in the intersection, and
you have doubts about the other guys intensions, you should
not pull out in front of him in the first place or time your crossing
so as to make sure you are not in front of him if he does run the
light. In other words a little common sense and driver awareness.
Why do we think that the solution to so many of our problems
is another "gizmo" of some kind?