Is the windshield beading up with rain or sheeting?
If its beading up it has a rainx or similar product on it and you may also
need to change not only the wiper blade but also the arm so that you get
maximum pressure to remove residual water. The beading causes micro beads
which diffuse the light if not removed completely. You can also us an
ammonia or an acid like you would find in an aluminum mag cleaner to remove
any surface silicones. If your window is sheeting the water off which it
probably is not, clean with "000" steel wool and good degreaser window
Good Luck
Kevin Dietz NWR (owner Jim's Detail shop est. 1978)
CS 88 Porsche 924s in 1999 (Glens)
BS 99 Miata 10AE in 2000 (mine)
(CO-drive with Glen "Hurricane" Hernandez)