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RE: STU News!

Subject: RE: STU News!
From: Robert Glover <>
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1999 13:39:31 -0800 (PST)

On Thu, 11 Nov 1999, Bob Dickey wrote:

> Man! Dennis, you are a true masochist! First you decide to storm the
> hallowed halls of F-bodydom known as ESP. Then, since you don't have
> enough to do developing a new car in an old class, you decide to take on
> the "Mustache Petes" at SCCA and create your own class (well, not
> actually your own, but more on that in a moment).
> Then, after all that, now you wanna take on both the "rice boys" AND the
> F-bod boys by creating a class that doesn't give an unfair advantage to
> either one.
> What were you thinking?
> As for the Miata whiners, heck, lets just create a single class that
> requires four wheels and appropriate safety equipment and let it go at
> that. Then no one feels excluded. Sheesh

We have one of those locally... it's called OSP (for "Other").  It's a
run-what-you-brung class, where the only rule is DOT tires.

In that class, it's the gutted Toyota Starlets that rule... and similar


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