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Re: Exploring Stock Sway Bars

To: Byron Short <>
Subject: Re: Exploring Stock Sway Bars
From: Scott Meyers <>
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 09:55:32 -0700
Byron Short wrote:
> It's a popular notion that spec classes should be dropped in favor of
> diverse classes.  However, please note that the spec classes are almost
> always larger than the diverse classes.  

Which came first, the chicken or the egg (Spec being larger)? It may be
more a feature of conditions that exist than "the way it is". I don't
favor dropping "Spec Classes", but am considering the "either front or
back sway bar" option as a *possible* way to add more cars to the "Spec" field.

I realize I may be wrong, but that is the premise.  Gotta start somewhere.

Note - It seems that we should specify (if and when this ever happens)
that "one end or the other" can be *changed*, but that a rear bar may
not be added when a factory one does not *exist*. Or that may have been
thought of already.
> So I disagree with your premise, I guess. 

Its amazing what I learn from these discussions. I think healthy
rational disagreement is one of the best ways to promote improvements as
all views are respectfully considered.

> I think that spec classes are
> a large part of what drives our numbers up.  Even with that said
> however, we should always maintain a balance of spec and diverse classes
> so that we can suit both preferences.

No problem with that logic. Is this like "having it all" :-)
> ...............big snip..................It's only the inclusion of new 
>models and
> reclassifications that keep us from having 9 spec classes in stock.  And
> IMHO, that happy accident, the fact that we are always classifying new
> cars and reclassifying old cars, is what keeps the numbers of spec and
> diverse classes in balance.

I guess I disagree with your premise here. On different days in
different places different cars may or may not have an advantage, and it
is unlikely that one car would be "king of all that is".

One or two days at "The Nationals" there may be one car with that
ability, but not all year everywhere. If there is then that is an
artifical condition created by definition.

The sway bar question is really a two-edged sword. If it were allowed
(the choice of allowing a change at one end or the other) it might even
help the current "Spec Car" as much or more than any other car. It also
might add a few options to an otherwise model-specific class.

Before anyone would waste the time and effort of those hard-working
folks in SCCA to poll members about this, I would rather see some small
group(s) independantly explore the possible effects - like perhaps at
some local level. Or, some discussion about which cars would be helped
significantly through experiences (in various humble opinions). 

I do not favor "Let's all run out and do this". I do favor thinking on
it a while and trying to gather any specific examples of how this would
either work well, or....screw things up.

Anyone out there play with your car's sway bars and found it became unbeatable?

Scott Meyers

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