Bearely a month gone by... and here we are again. Me 'n Katie tried to warn
you then about name calling. :)
Kimball Ayer
DSP Fiat X1/9
"No rice for me... Malt, Hops, Yeast and a little water...OK!"
On Thu, 14 Oct 1999, Jim & Marilyn Rohn wrote:
> >A customer of ours has had his Type-R Integer stolen and stripped, and the
> >car will probably total.
> and we can assume that some "rice-boy/girls" were responsible for the theft
And aren't you just another one of those damn motorheads that are too dumb
to do anything else?
You're statement above is offensive to me even though I'm not (and
probably won't ever be) a ricer. How dare you label an entire group of
people as theives based on one car being stolen? Just because their
passion for cars expresses itself in a different way than yours doesn't
make 'em bad people.
What a shitty thing to say.
> ----------
> From: Ayer, John K
> Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 1999 5:52 PM
> To: ''; 'Kelly, Katie'
> Subject: RE: Safety Nazi was getting silly....
> Rats (Sorry Mickey)... Hoist on my own pitard (Apologies to Pirates and the
>French), it's not easy being green (Oops, Kermit) ....
> ----------
> From: Kelly, Katie[]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 1999 5:30 PM
> To: Ayer, John K; ''
> Subject: RE: Safety Nazi was getting silly....
> Kimball Ayer writes.
>Let's call them...
>"Safety Steward"
> >How's THAT for an idea? Of course I would say that since I am one of
> >Them, also I'm the guy who suggested that "Ricer" might be offensive
>to the
> >Import Drag crowd.
> As someone who lives not too far from the heart of the San Francisco
> with its all its ethnic and sexual diversity, I must say I find the term
> "Import Drag" offensive.
> Thank you,
> Katie Kelly, not in drag, but some of my friends are.