It's Barry Green, owner of Team Kool Green in the CART series. Paul
Tracy and Dario Franchitti drive for him.
>Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 15:43:10 -0700
>From: "Kelly, Katie" <>
>Subject: Who is that guy?!
>Someone recently wrote something about Mobil One Tri-Synthetic Oil being on
>sale or something. Let me tell you all something.
>Have you ever watched some road race on ESPN and saw that Mobil 1 commercial
>where some guy from Australia talks about how fine this motor oil works and
>how he'll never put anything else in his car?
>Who is this guy?
>Is there anyone else who finds this bothersome? Who is he? What's his
>credability? What's his background?
>Actually, I am asking this for a friend.
>Thank you,
>Katie Kelly
>Technical Publications
>SPSS Bay Area
>- ----------------------------------------
>Guilt slows your metabolism.
Tom Spangler - Starter Motor Design - (734)48-49093
Visteon Automotive Systems - Energy Transformation Systems
Ford Motorsports Enthusiasts - Newsletter Editor