-----Original Message-----
From: Moore, John
> I really like my Schroth harness that uses a 2" pull UP lap belt and
>3" pull down shoulder straps. Makes it really easy to adjust and the 2" lap
>belt is much more comfortable than a 3". Only problem is cost ... $219.
What I will never understand is why anyone would buy the Schroth system
described above for $219 -- which has a skinnier lap belt and an
illegal-for-anything-but-Solo-II Y-type shoulder strap -- when you can get a
legal-for-anything complete system from Simpson for $89.95?
That price buys you the lap belts, sub strap and H-type shoulder belts, with
either the Latch F/X or the Latch & Link buckle (if you want the Camlock
buckle it's $169.95). Direct from Simpson. All mounting hardware included.
Similar prices are found in other catalogs like Racer Wholesale, Speedway
Motors, Summit, etc.
BTW, for those who think they might ever go on a track (including Solo I),
the mandated lap belt is 3". Schroth fails that spec too.
I am not dissing the Schroth product or workmanship, which from all I've
heard is quite good. Just that it does not meet rulebook specs for any SCCA
competition in which specs are established. It may not be legal, but it
costs more.
But yes, if you just want a 2" lap belt for Solo II because 3" feels too
wide, you can get that from Simpson also. It's their
quarter-midget/mini-dragster system (obviously intended for kiddie racers,
but easily as good as whatever OEM belt came in your car) for $59.95.