Some of you might have had the pleasure of hearing my father, John F. Kelly,
Jr., wax nostalgic about those days of yore, when autocrosses were called
gymkhanas, folks raced in dirt, and drivers didn't even wear helmets.
I know, I know. You're rolling your eyes, just like I do everytime I hear
these stories.
Well, he just mailed me something which makes me think, "Oh my gosh, it's
First of all, when I say "mail," I mean the snail mail version. He actually
put this in an envelope, and put a stamp on it.
It's a photocopy from the May 1958 edition of SportsCar Pictorial. The story
is called "Three Ring Circus." It's about a gymkhana/autocross held in Lodi,
Anyway, whatever my dad told me is true. They didn't wear helmets. Yet,
those stock MGAs and Healeys sure roll more than anything I've ever seen.
Autocrossers back then were much braver than we are.
Well, there on page two of this little story is a picture of MY DADDY! He
was 23 years old at the time, in the '56 Austin Healey LeMans he bought
brand new when he was 21. As he's not wearing a helmet, you can see his
whole head. He was the Overall Winner! In an "unusually Porsche dominated
area," the article said.
The same Healey is in my folks' garage, under a pile of stuff. It's a true
dual-purpose vehicle. Car and shelf.
I can scan this in. If anyone wants to see a copy of this most historical of
shots, please let me know and I'll send it to you.
Katie Kelly
Technical Publications
SPSS Bay Area
Guilt slows your metabolism.