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Re: Two half days >= one whole day (speaking of participationlevels)

To: "Joshua Hadler" <>
Subject: Re: Two half days >= one whole day (speaking of participationlevels)
From: "Rick Brown" <>
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 1999 17:59:39 -0700
Our "X" class is actually (in the computer or on a run card) TO for Time
Only, and is just what the name implies. The "X" comes from the fact that we
ask people to put an "X" on their car for these runs since many are people
who have already taken their regular class runs and we don't want to confuse
T&S more than they normally are.  Same entry fee, just doesn't count for
points or trophy and can run anytime during the day they wish (except we
limit the number of "X" entries in a particular group to prevent a
"rungroupfromhell").  Some are people who just want more runs and don't want
to wait for/if fun runs at the end of the day.  Near Nationals, many of
those going enter their regular class and 1 or more "X" entries.  I think
I've one person do as many as 4 "X" entries.

Rick Brown

> Interesting that alot of these other regions "X" classes are non-trophy
>classes. Or at least that's how they sound. Our "X" class is actually
>one of the most competitive. They all run as one group, separate from
>the open classes, and compete for year end trophies. Their times are all
>indexed, and the fastest index time of the day (usually in X class) sets
>the mark for the rest of the competitors. Fastest index time gets 1000
>points, and the rest of the competitors for that day are given points
>accordingly. Our "X" class is usually comprised of any one who has
>trophied at nationals in the last couple years or anyone who wants to
>base their driving against more than just the local class, which can
>sometimes be pretty sparse. Running out of turn for the "X" group here
>is generally not allowed.

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