Brian M Kennedy wrote:
> That's unfortunate... you can learn so much more if you can drive after
> riding with someone good. Even better, you could take 2 runs, ride with
> someone good, take 2 more runs.
Very true.
> Ideally, you'd also get to ride with that top driver driving _your_ car;
> that can really teach you a lot -- especially for newcomers who haven't
> really experienced their own car at the limit very often (or ever).
> So, which of these suggestions might be workable?
> 1) Allowing riding with others before your runs, but if you do you are
> a) put in a X class
> b) penalized 1 second
I think that there needs to be no riding with others in your normal
event during your real runs. If you have an X class, it is not an issue.
Allowing extra runs at the end of the day will also afford you this
time. If you can buy an extra group of runs AFTER your regular runs will
also allow this.
If you go up to your local hotshoe and say "hey, I have 4 runs in my car
in the next group, do you want 2 of them to help me out?" I bet will get
a favorable response.
Also, consider having occasional practice days where there is no trophy
at stake. The focus is on driving and you can feel free to swap
drivers/cars to your hearts content. The very good thing about this
format, is that I feel most newbie drivers learn a lot more in 15 runs
that in 4 days of 4 different runs. Most newbie drivers are using those
4 runs to figure out where the course goes. On a practice day, the
driver's focus shifts more to learning to look ahead and feeling the
> Just brainstorming. My goal at regional events is to get faster, not
> to win trophies,
Admirable. I need to keep reminding myself that this should be my goal,
alomg with helping others.
Randy Chase (who has already lined up more MR2 newbies to work with