Sorry for the change! Thought I would forward this so everybody would
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From: DHutter@aol.com
Full-name: DHutter
Message-ID: <55d069d0.2512aa64@aol.com>
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 16:17:40 EDT
Subject: 1999 State Championship Date Change
To: MarcTampa@aol.com, theguys@sunrider.com, neonracer@hotmail.com,
vmhrobi@worldnet.att.net, carlc@iname.com, duncanscca@compuserve.com,
dragonflyc@juno.com, zman1@peganet.net, JVHT@aol.com,
bbeecher@cardsc.com, diane.thoman@worldnet.att.net
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Due to a previous commitment we cannot get our site on Nov 13 & 14, So
we will now hold the event on NOVEMBER 6 & 7.
Those of you who have not e-mailed me your street addresses, please due
so asap so I can send you a packet of flyer to give to your various groups.
I hope this is not a problem for your schedules. If you have any
questions please let me know.
Dave Hutter - Pres.
Gulfcoast Autocrossers Ltd.