The course was run 'counter race', i.e. 'backwards', arrgh.
Start line was pit in which took away the pucker factor of turn 7.
Offset gates and slaloms down the length of the back (er, front)
straight which held down top end. Offset gates up the hill leaving turn
5; wall of cones that pinched off turn 4, turning it into severely
decreasing radius turn. Off set gates down the hill through the esses of
turns 3 to 1. Flying finish exiting turn 1.
My horsepower impaired C Stock MR2 was hitting fuel cut in 2nd gear
(~60->62mph) several times round the course; shifting to third was an
exercise in futility.
I ran in the B group of the morning session and got two dry runs before
the skies opened. After that, everything was slip and slide on well worn
C Stock points leader
Metro Washington Council of Sports Car Club