1. Do not subpoena the officer (if he tells his side your sunk Mike Clarke is
2. Do not request radar tech to be there (if he shows and someone usually
does your done)!
3. OK except for supoena the officer: Mike Clarke Writes <One possible
defense (my experience) is to subpoena the officer, and go to
the county highway district office and request traffic survey data for that
particular stretch of road. If the traffic survey (average speeds of
traffic) at that place is 40 but it's posted 25, you have a SPEED TRAP
defense - i.e. you can tell the judge that the road is posted too low and
the cop is taking advantage of it. The judge should dismiss your ticket in
this case. If, on the other hand, the average speed is 30, you're sunk.>
4. The best way is to not let the radar portion be allowed into evidence
(look for hearsay in the officers comments on the back of your ticket
(discovery rites) also make sure he states that he has been trained how to
check calibration of the radar gun both before and after the ticket, (his
credentials) this is one reason not to have him show up.(most lawyers I have
talked with say do not subpoena the officer)
5. If its important to you get a lawyer which could cost between $150 and
$200 without any guarantees but believe me they are worth it. It is amazing
to see them speak "courtease" and get your ticket dismissed it's simply
amazing. I have a lawyer that has gotten me off two iron clad tickets without
paying a single penny to the state. But I did have to detail his Mercedes
both times.
hope this helps
Kevin "not jim" Dietz
Owner Jim's Detail Shop
Team Clean Racing
CS Porsche 924s Mo30 (1999 co-drive Glen Hernandez)
BS Miata 10AE (2000 season)