I was just searching through the Team.Net digests for all the different
posters and came up with the idea to do a count for each poster. If any
part of the From: address text changed, it would be counted on a
separate line. This data is from the digests Jan 1 01:05:01 MST 1999
through Aug 31 01:05:01 MDT 1999. Just thought I'd share this with the
Yes Eric (at 414) & Mike (at 355=199+156), you do post too much! ;-)
ps. No I didn't come up with this data by hand, it was generated on a
Unix machine using grep/awk.
Counts for people that posted more than 35 times during this period.
Number of posts: E-mail address
414: "Eric Linnhoff" <eric10mm@qni.com>
202: TeamZ3@aol.com
200: Craig Blome <cblome@yahoo.com>
199: Mike Bultemeier <hottvr@tfs.net>
192: washburn <washburn@dwave.net>
185: "Phil Ethier" <pethier@isd.net>
181: Joshua Hadler <jhadler@rmi.net>
177: dg50@daimlerchrysler.com
174: Randy Chase <randyc2@home.com>
165: "Mark J. Andy" <marka@telerama.com>
156: Hottvr@aol.com
146: John Lieberman <johnlee@softdisk.com>
143: "Justin Hughes" <ka1ult@channel1.com>
142: "Scotty *BOB* White" <we2fat4asp@seanet.com>
130: "richard nichols" <rnichol1@san.rr.com>
117: "Jay Mitchell" <jemitchell@compuserve.com>
116: Smokerbros@aol.com
113: Paul Foster <pfoster@gdi.net>
111: "Mohler, Jeff" <jeff.mohler@wilcom.com>
106: "Jamie Sculerati" <jamies@mrj.com>
104: Mtnman3620@aol.com
104: Mark Sirota <msirota@isc.upenn.edu>
104: Andrew_Bettencourt@kingston.com
102: Rocky Entriken <RENTRIKEN/0003006623@MCIMAIL.COM>
94: Paul Czarnecki <oblique@alum.mit.edu>
93: "Jeffrey Lloyd" <jslz3@hotmail.com>
88: JD_Kemp@notes.ymp.gov
82: Scott & Glenda Meyers <autox@earthlink.net>
82: "Matt Murray" <mattm@optonline.net>
82: "Kelly, Katie" <kkelly@spss.com>
76: Matt Murray <mattm@nassau.cv.net>
76: "Bruce Wentzel" <greendot@excelonline.com>
75: Brian M Kennedy <kennedy@i2.com>
74: Pat Kelly <lollipop@ricochet.net>
73: Josh Sirota <jss@marimba.com>
72: "Miller, Don" <MillerD2@idhw.state.id.us>
71: RacerRay52@aol.com
71: Loren Williams <Loren@kscable.com>
69: Jeff Blankenship <jblanken@itds.com>
65: Jeff Cashmore <cashmo@execpc.com>
65: "Robert M. Pickrell Jr." <brnrubr@midusa.net>
64: rohns@doitnow.com (Jim & Marilyn Rohn)
64: "Jeff Winchell" <Jeff@Winchell.Com>
61: Eric Moon <moon-7@blazenet.net>
60: "Kevin Stevens" <Kevin_Stevens@Bigfoot.com>
57: Jay Mitchell <jemitchell@compuserve.com>
57: Benjamin D Thatcher <bthatch@juno.com>
57: Alan Pozner <AlanP@identicard.com>
55: "Phillip S. Osborne" <psosborn@gte.net>
54: "George Ryan" <quad4fiero@webzone.net>
53: whitney <whitneys@mindspring.com>
53: Michael King <mapco@worldnet.att.net>
53: Jason Bowles <jbowles@carol.net>
52: "David Hawkins" <otgrouch@twosrus.com>
52: "Burns, James B." <BurnsJB1@central.SSD.JHUAPL.edu>
50: SlyFoxRc@aol.com
50: Judy Becker <judyb@cts.com>
49: Byron Short <bshort@AFSinc.com>
49: "Steve Hoult" <stevehoult@home.com>
49: "Mari L. Clements" <mlc4@psu.edu>
49: "Jeff Lloyd" <jslz3@hotmail.com>
47: GSMnow@aol.com
46: "Fedja Jeleskovic" <Fedja_Jeleskovic@pictel.com>
45: Wes Shew <schumi@vcn.bc.ca>
44: Sam Strano <strano@stranoparts.com>
44: John Galligan <galligan@gulftel.com>
44: Gemery@aol.com
42: Karl Witt <kwitt@shore.net>
42: Adam Popp <raft321@fuse.net>
42: "Jan Schmidt" <jschmidt@kumc.edu>
41: "Moore, John" <jmoore@spyglass.com>
41: "Bill Fuhrmann" <bfuhrman@isd.net>
40: "Kent Rafferty" <gs96@sgi.net>
36: Ghsharp@aol.com