The much anticipated Huck & CHuck fine quality garments and goods for
1999 have arrived! We have a good supply of product still available,
but as in years past, we fully expect to be very low by nationals, and
have nothing left by about Tuesday of Nationals week. Remember, profits
from H&C sales go to the DTN and MBBF funds, so at least you have that
to help justify why you would want to be associated with H&C...
Tees are $15 each, and sport the tasteful Huck & CHuck logo on the left
chest. There's also an ad for the 6psi air filter on the back, as
endorsed by a well-known sheep aficionado from Ohio. Burgundy
silk screening on gray (ash) Hanes Beefy Tees. Larger sizes are
disappearing quickly! Don't wait too long on this one!
Caps are also just $15, black with a gorgeous embroidered Huck & CHuck
logo in white. Low crown, soft cotton design. When you see 'em you'll
want one. The way we see it, it it's too hot in Topeka to wear your H&C
Tee, you'll want to have this handy baseball cap to display your good
taste. Much easier than last year's chest tattoos!
Decals are white or black, 11" x 3", high performance vinyl. For a mere
$8 per pair, you can alert your competitors on the grid to your vast
knowledge of high performance products. "Unreal Performance" logo as
seen on all the fast guys' cars.
Remember, sporting quality Huck & CHuck products is sure to get you that
attention you crave, in places like impound, for instance. But hey, I
don't care what rumors you hear, nobody has ever been dsq'd for wearing
Huck & CHuck gear. And remember supporting H&C is easier than running
against Mark Daddio in DS, more fun than hanging out in the protest shed
with Colan Arnold, and shows more taste than being seen with Dick
Burger...okay, it's close on that last one.
To order e-mail me back or call our 800 number at 800-775-9511. We can
take credit card orders and ship to your home if you are not attending
Nationals, or we can deliver to you at Nats.