Lindsay Wilson wrote:
> The SCCA Financial Statements and Supplemental Schedule of Activities
> Year ended March 31, 1999 was published for all to peruse, in the August
> 1999 issue of SportsCar, FasTrack section pages F-99 / F-101.
It appears that Pro Solo and Solo 2 are lumped together?
Where does Solo 1 fall? Under whose umbrella? Same one?
Membership dues - is that where the little boxes kick in? Just that section
alone could offset the shortfall of $78,222 for the Solo Program; and
again, is that all sectors with Solo in the name?
How much did the Kart effort cost last year?
The prize money for Solo is only $66,000 less than racing ($167,000 vs
Solo uses that much prize money? I'd better try harder :-)
Racing has no merchandise sales? Why no income at all from the folks who
sell stuff at the races?
The insurance premiums/costs are lumped - package deal? Does one program
hurt the cost of insurance premiums more than another?
Race Organization Activities - what is that?
Solo has more depreciation than Racing? I'm older but I'm better!!!!
What is the second Insurance line for?
Membership allocation is an expense?
See - many budget lines need a pre-existing understanding to know what is
meant. Accountants are well versed in a universal or standard language
and structure, but each business defines what and how the pieces fit.
Not suggesting any wrongdoing here, just a lack of information to
accurately be able to fully understand this budget sheet. There are
more detailed budget lines not shown (hey, who could read and understand
that get into specifics, but way beyond any layman's understanding.
I'll leave that to those who know more - just a few sample questions.
Oh - one more.....
We spent NOTHING on beer? Heads need to roll!!!!
Scott Meyers
I'm off to balance my checkbook now - wish me luck!