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Re: Insurance Fraud and Drivers Ed

To: Phil Ethier <>
Subject: Re: Insurance Fraud and Drivers Ed
From: Paul Foster <>
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999 10:21:42 -0400
Phil Ethier wrote:
> >I have a
> >Hot Lap in my car and I would tell anybody who told me to remove it to
> >go suck an egg.
> If not having timing devices in cars was part of the rules of an event, you
> would be telling them to suck an egg at the same time they would be telling
> you not to let the screen door hit you on your way out.
> Whether the rules at an open-track event make any sense at all, the
> organizers get to make the rules.  If you don't want to play their game by
> their rules, you don't get to play their game.

Then they had certainly better list it on the entry form. I have only
had one problem with an officious ass in the 30 or so DEs I've run. He
didn't like my stopwatch mounted on the console. So I hid it and put it
back after leaving grid. This is the exception more than the rule... He
also tried to get me excluded from the next club race on a technicality.
He was overrulled by the national scrutineers. They sensibly noted the
discrepancy in my logbook and told me to fix it before the next event.

Paul Foster

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