Wrapping up a discussion of corner weights, Mark Sipe wrote:
> Now there are very specific reasons it would be preferred to have adjustments
> at all 4 corners rather than at two on one end, but I've written too much for
> one post as it is.
I'd like to throw in a quick comment about post length. If somebody is
writing about a technical subject that really requires some detailed
analysis, my own opinion is that I'd rather have people feel free to use
some space and make it clear without beating their brains out to figure
out how to say it in 200 words or less. Better to make it clear than to
have to keep adding more in afterthoughts.
If it's something I'm not personally interested in, hey, it doesn't kill
me to skip it, but it might really help somebody else. Long posts that
are long because of quoting entire previous messages, no. Long posts
that are stuff like "any right thinking person knows the Acme
Thunderwhumper GT doesn't belong in X Stock, you cretin!", no. Long
posts that cover an interesting (even if possibly only to a minority)
and relevant subject in necessary detail? Go for it.