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Re: Datalogger Story (now shorter)

Subject: Re: Datalogger Story (now shorter)
From: Jim Carr <>
Date: Thu, 5 Aug 1999 15:37:18 -0400 (EDT) wrote:
> Not that the Edelbrock system is immune to these errors either, but with the
> extra data channels, you at least get the opportunity to rectify them.

 You would need some (interesting) software to build all of those 
 corrections into the analysis system; however, the result could 
 be a really accurate total system. 
> For example, there's a section on one of my traces that shows a 1.3G braking
> zone over .68 seconds. However, in that same section, the speed line drops
> 15MPH. Doing a little math yields 15MPH=22ft/sec, and a change of 22ft/sec in
> .68 secs is an acceleration of 32.4 ft/sec^2 - or about 1G.
> That's roughly a 33% error from what I assume would be pitch/roll, and any
> incline of the racing surface.

 Exactly.  Tilting the accelerometer causes two errors.  A component 
 of the acceleration of gravity will now be along that axis of the 
 accelerometer and be interpreted as a change in velocity, and the 
 actual acceleration of the vehicle will no longer be parallel to the 
 axis of the accelerometer and part will get missed.  The properties 
 of the trig functions make the first effect big and the second small. 

 Specifically, when the car is nose down (as when under braking) by 
 an angle theta, the device will only see a*cos{theta} of the actual 
 (de)acceleration and will see an additional g*sin{theta} of forward 
 acceleration on the test mass from gravity that it interprets as 
 additional deceleration.

 Solving for theta given your example means solving a transcendental 
 equation, but for small angles (where cos{theta} is always close to 1)
 you can get there with successive approximations using a calculator:  
 theta = arcsin(0.3) gives 17.5 degrees, and cos(17.5) says you only 
 measured 0.95G of the actual deceleration so 0.35G was due to gravity; 
 thus theta = arcsin(0.35), etc ....  Final answer is that a nose drop 
 of 21.7 degrees explains a measurement of 1.3G as originating from 
 0.93G of the 1G deceleration and 0.37G from gravity.

 Since the sine function rises rapidly, seemingly small pitch or roll 
 angles produce a significant error in the measured accelerations.  
 Integrating these errors produces the direction and distance errors 
 that result in a bad map -- hence the option to fix the map within 
 GEEZ!.  They would also throw off the speed.  Using GEEZ! to study 
 relative changes (e.g. full use of friction circle) due to driving 
 inputs is unaffected by these kinds of errors, but evaluating changes 
 in the suspension (which *will* alter roll and pitch angles for the 
 same maneuver) requires awareness of them.

 Jim Carr
 BS 1993 Miata & Old Fartz physicist

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