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Re: autox heaven

To:, (Autocross List)
Subject: Re: autox heaven
Date: Wed, 4 Aug 1999 20:44:42 EDT
>>>Looking for input on the coolest summer and warmest winter autoxs.  
these locations would have an event every weekend, large smooth event sights 
and good competition.<<<

If you live in the eastern half of United States Florida is definitely the 
place to be for autocrossing when the weather is too cold up north.  Several 
sites are available to choose from. The easiest way to check them out is to 
go to and look in the club listing for Florida.  I don't know 
of any club that holds one event per week but you should be able to catch 
more than one in Florida per month.

I am currently the treasurer of Gulfcoast Autocrossers Ltd.  We have ten 
events per year at a great site called Buckingham Airfield in Fort Myers 
Florida.  It is a half mile long by 400 feet wide of concrete poured by Uncle 
Sam's army back in the 1940s.  It is actually just a small portion of the 
original Army Air Corps training field for B-17 Fighting Fortresses and B-24 
Liberators. In the 1960s the site hosted a sanctioned NHRA drag strip visited 
by the big Daddy himself. Now it is a part of the Lee County Mosquito Control 
District as an emergency landing strip for their DC-3 aircraft.  Founding 
members of Gulfcoast Autocrossers Ltd. made arrangements with the site 
director to hold monthly Autocross events at the site.  

For a complete and up-to-date schedule check out our Website at the following 
link or address.

 <A HREF="";>GCAC Website</A>

John Taylor

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