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re: Chicago races, August 7th or 8th?

Subject: re: Chicago races, August 7th or 8th?
From: Dave Hillman <>
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 1999 10:09:07 -0500 (CDT)
Susan L. Collicott wrote...
> I'm going to be in Chicago on August 7th and 8th, with time to spare -
> any local autocrosses?  I poked around on the web but couldn't find any
> listed, thought I'd ask just in case...

   I maintain a list of every event and club I can find within a couple
hours of Chicago at;

   The relevant section says;

Date           Club    Location        Comments
Aug     7       MC      BFR             Track autocross
Aug     7       CMGC    Bridgeview, IL  MG Lucas Night
Aug     8       SVR     Midland
Aug     8       SBR     Tire Rack       SBR #5
Aug     8       IR      Indianapolis Speedrome
Aug     8       CIR     Utica, IL

   I have some non-Solo2 events listed, and the first two here are a
Solo1-like event, and a rally.  SVR is in Michigan, SBR is in Indiana, and
IR is Indianapolis, so your best bet would be Utica with Central Illinois.
( Utica is a go-kart track, so this won't be a traditional Solo2. ) 

   If you want a real Solo2, closest would be SBR at the Tire Rack, just
about 90 miles east.

 D a v i d  H i l l m a n
 nma, scca, scscc, imoc

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